Minarets and the porch of Najaf are two of the most important parts of the historical mansion of Alavi and a valuable artistic and Islamic heritage of the Safavid dynasty
Preservation restoration and revival of historical monuments of Islamic architecture are the main goals of the reconstruction organization
Restoration and revival of the gilding of the minarets and the porch of Najaf was designed in 3 phases and are now underway
In the first phase of the project, the southern minaret was restored. The od bricks were taken off and numbered and after restoring and reviving the gilding of the bricks, the bricks were installed on their previous position
There were 4513 pieces of brick that 3687 pieces have been restored, gilded and installed in the previous position
90 percent of the reconstruction of the southern minaret have been completed and the restoration of the graveyard of Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ardabili which is located under this minaret completed
In the second phase, northern minaret was repaired. There were 4508 pieces of brick on this minaret
Currently, the structure and foundation of the minaret was restored using bricks and carbon fibers and marble is being restored in the platform of the minaret
The third phase is the restoration of the porch of Najaf. there were 1705 pieces of brick in the porch
Minarets of the shrine
The minarets were hit by shrapnel and bullets during the conflict in recent years, therefore, a lot of damage was made to them and the minarets were reinforced with difficulty. this plan took more than 2000 man-hours in a way that 4000 pieces of brick of the southern minaret were restored
The muezzin room of the minaret was reconstructed completely. The southern and upper side of the muezzin room were restored and made resistant to earthquake
The restoration and reconstruction plan of the southern minaret was implemented in a way that it didn’t cause any disruption to pilgrimage